Friday, November 18, 2011

Finally Back Home

I'm Back! After a 3 week vacation home to see family in Chicago, Wisconsin and Naples, FL it's back to the real world for us! While I organize photos from our time away to share - remember how I said I would share dinner from my last post if all went well? Well from the words of my husband, "this was his favorite dinner I have ever made", so I took that as a keeper!
Coconut Shrimp from our honeymoon!

Adam has never been much of a seafood lover, especially shellfish, while I'm the quite opposite. While we were on our honeymoon in Hawaii he was pretty much surrounded by some sort of seafood on the menu and so I introduced him to coconut shrimp. Much to his surprise he fell in love with it and always orders it when it's on the menu.

Low and behold I found this recipe from skinnytaste - Coconut Chicken Salad with warm honey-mustard vinaigrette. 

I decided to pair this with rosemary cheddar biscuits which added a nice side to this salad. 

If you find yourself needing a quick and yummy dinner this week - check out the recipe below, I promise you won't be disappointed!

Coconut Chicken

  • 6 (about 12 oz) chicken tenderloins
  • 6 tbsp shredded coconut
  • 1/4 cup panko crumbs
  • 2 tbsp crushed cornflake crumbs
  • 2 eggs
  • pinch salt
  • olive oil spray
  • 6 cups mixed baby greens
  • 3/4 cup shredded carrots (optional)
  • 1 large tomato, sliced (optional)
  • 1 small cucumber, sliced (optional)

  • 1 tbsp oil
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp white vinegar (balsamic would work too)
  • 2 tsp dijon mustard

Whisk all vinaigrette ingredients; set aside.

Preheat oven to 375°.

Combine coconut flakes, panko, cornflake crumbs and salt in a bowl. Put egg whites or egg beaters in another bowl.

Lightly season chicken with salt. Dip the chicken in the egg, then in the coconut crumb mixture. Place chicken on a cookie sheet lined with parchment for easy cleanup.

Lightly spray with olive oil spray and bake for 30 minutes turning halfway, or until chicken is cooked through.
Pair with your favorite glass of wine and Enjoy!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Inbetween

Adam and I have been down in Jacksonville for around two weeks nows - its weird since Chicago seems like months ago already. Once we found out Adam had gotten the Head Coaching job at the University of North Florida we had a few weeks to get down here which included leaving my job, packing up the house and driving down. Our life feels like it was put on fast forward this past month.

Adam has been busy practicing with the guys and getting them ready for the next season while I have been busy ..."getting settled". While I was so looking forward to this time off in the inbetween of moving and getting settled down here - I never thought I would miss working downtown so much! I was blessed to work right on Michigan Avenue in downtown Chicago with girls who became some of my closest friends down there. We kept each other sane in our fast-paced environment we worked in as well as spent money together shopping downtown:)

Now, i'm left unpacking and starting the job hunt all! It became clear to me that I could easily become depressed not working all day, for some reason it's so easy to slip into feeling useless when you don't have a steady job. It's all about attitude right? Knowing God has placed us down here for a plan, I know that I need to enjoy this time off before I begin my next career.

So, I decided to fill my days with a balance of work and enjoyment. Pilot and I have become best buds. After dropping Adam off at work every morning and my morning cup of coffee - we head for a nice long walk or to the park. While he usually passes out after this, I take time for myself and work out at the gym in our community and layout by the pool after and read. I have gotten caught up in the Hunger Games series! Anyone else addicted as well?

My cooking partner
My afternoons are filled with unpacking and exploring my new love for cooking. It's been fun to try to new recipes off some of my favorite cooking blogs including Skinnytaste and Lick the Bowl Good. Tonight's menu includes homemade biscuits and coconut crusted chicken and homemade honey mustard vinaigrette. If it turns out well enough, I'll share the recipe!

While I cannot wait to begin working again, I am also enjoying this time to be able to do things I never had the chance to do in Chicago. I think Adam is liking the home cooked meals at night as well!

 Who knows, maybe he will tell me not to work again...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Day at the Park

Our new townhouse has a park right behind our house which makes for one happy dog! This past Sunday we spent the sunny afternoon running around with our little guy. I'll post picks of our new place once all the boxes are finally unpacked!

Happy Tuesday.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Midwest Will Always Be Home

hello friends and family,

I miss you all so so so much. I realized that I wish I could talk to you guys each day and felt a need to stay connected. I decided to blog about this next stage in mine and Adam's life so you guys can get a glimpse of our new life down south and I can have an outlet for being so far away! So please - stay for a while and read up on our life and I can't wait to hear what is happening in yours.

Let's dive right in!

After spending a week in Jacksonville, Fl it only took two days for me to extremely miss everything about the Midwest - yes even the cold temperatures and pretty white snow. While most people can't stand the thought of snow, I plan my whole week around it from pulling out my favorite pair of boots - bundling up in a warm scarf - planning hearty dinners and ending with a movie to spend a cozy night in. Let's just say when I saw that it snowed in Wisconsin last week, I was sitting in my shorts and tank top crying. It doesn't help much that Thanksgiving and Christmas both are coming up - the two holidays where all you want are big sweaters and lots of snow!

Now I find myself in a climate that if it reaches below 50 there is a "freeze warning" throughout the community. The latest news was the temperatures that dipped below 45 degrees last night which was the headline story of every news station. We learned safety tips on how to use a space heater... Adam and I rebelled and didn't even turn the regular heat on last night. 

While all of this is what many people dream about - I mean Florida is the #1 retirement community -  I will always consider the Midwest home. Looks like we just have a head start on where everyone wants to end up. Now don't get me wrong, I am really excited for where God has placed Adam and I. I can see our relationship changing in so many sweet ways (more on that in another post). See how I'm keeping you interested? I am already killing this blogging thing. 

Throughout all the emotions I just shared with you, one thing I want you to know that I am very thankful for where Adam and I are right now in our life and looking forward to pursuing our purpose here in Jacksonville.